Delete Template Properties

As a manager, you are now able to remove unnecessary template properties from the system.

In this article:

  • How to delete properties
  • Effects of deleting properties

How to delete properties

  1. The user needs to navigate to either contract type creation page or contract type edit page.
  2. Along with each property displayed in the properties panel, there is an additional button “-“ which can be used to delete properties from the system.
  1. Click on the remove button.

  2. The system will check if the property has dependencies with;

    • Contract Types
    • Contracts
    • Contract Requests
    • Custom Reports
  1. If the user needs to abort the action, he can simply click on the “No” button in the dependencies pop up.
  2. If the user wishes to proceed with the deletion, he can simply click on the “Yes” button in the dependencies pop up.

Effects of deleting properties

  1. The property will be removed from all dependencies shown in the pop up.
  2. Quick parts related to the removed property will not be affected.
  3. An audit entry is added to all the contract types where the removed property was associated.